Friday, February 6, 2009

The Pony Club Ride

The ride was eventful before it even started. Besides the back of the shop being over-run by teenage boys on downhill bikes, Chappo arrived with bark missing, chain off and short a waterbottle. He had swerved to avoid an opening car door and ended up on the bitumen.

To add insult to injury, the bunch was an embarrasment. There were only 3 cleanly shaved sets of legs in the entire bunch and 2 of them belonged to the only girls riding! For a moment I thought I had gone to the wrong shop. Welcome to the bunch Jazz.

The bunch did catch a fleating glance at Carmel as we turned onto Chapple St. Don't know where you guys ended up, but I hope you had a good ride. Ekka was in for a fight and pulled on the King with a spray of words along Kirkwood. Scottie was spraying words aswell, but no one could understand a thing he was saying. Shrug.

Farm Boy - get some new knicks. And boys, Hellloooooooo giggle giggle giggle giggle. OH PLEASE.